How to build a report on Power BI?

What is Power BI?
Summary, Power BI is a business intelligence tool. We can produced fast reporting with Power BI. Today, I will explain how to prepare a fast report on Power BI ? Also, you can read my first article :
Lets Start Reporting…
First Step
Firstly, let’s see first page when we opened Power BI.
On the first page, there are visulazations and fields on the right top. We will use them soon.
Visulazations : Visulazations have default 35 diffrent types of visulazations of tool.
Fields : If we export(Get Data)data from csv,excel,SQL… to Power BI, our data will see there.

Second Step
We click Get Data for export data. If you have whatever types of data you should choose it.

Third Step
I have csv types of data.And I will choose it.

Fourth Step
We got data. As we can see that data on fields .Like i said in the first step, fields has our data.

Fifth Step
We have to choose one of the visualization tools what you want.

Sixth Step
I used 3 different types of visualazations tool.(Table,Column Chart,Treemap).As ın the picture at the bottom we put data fields what you want.

We created a report on Power BI. We made a pretty quick and simple report. I try to tell you beginner level.
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